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Image by Mike Kenneally
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We've served delicious lattes and espresso to family and friends in our home for years and its always been an act of service and sharing that has come from our hearts...we now want to bring that sharing out into the greater community.


Pam and Ian are a mother-son duo that have enjoyed becoming self-taught home baristas.  Pam spends her days as a caregiver, life-skills and communication partner to Ian, who is a non-speaking autistic.  Don't let the term "non-speaking" fool you though, because Ian has a lot to say.  He just communicates differently. Currently, that means Ian uses an alphabet letterboard or keyboard to spell or type what he wants to say.  Together Pam and Ian make a great team and serve up delicious "coffee with soul."  


It takes a little more training, guidance and effort for Ian to step into the barista role.  However, with individualized and respectful accomodations, Ian has flourished and is ready to serve his first customers.


This is one of Ian's laminated letterboards that he uses to spell when he needs to communicate.  He has some speech, but it is limited and harder for him to communicate this way, but he is working on it!  

Below is a message of thanks from our co-founder, Ian Aronow.  He wanted to put up this video of him demonstrating how he communicates through spelling.

Ian's Message Transcription: "I would like to say that I really appreciate the support.  I feel that this business is also a great way of showing the world that we autistic people with communication challenges can succeed with the right support.  And that we want to participate in the community with purpose and be valued workers to others.  Feel free to donate to our GoFundMe campaign with whatever amount you can.  Forever grateful, Ian the Barista"

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